Saturday, October 28, 2006

Day 14

Oh, this was the final day of recordings...
Halfway through the mixes, this is the last shortfilm of The Ecology Room diaries.
Hope you enjoyed. Now close your eyes and hear the sound, one of these days...
Love & thank y'all!

Monday, October 23, 2006


Wire&Glass vinyl £5, 747's & The Sunshine Underground Cds £9, Hot Chip & The On Off's singles £0.25!!! At home he is a tourist...

Day 13

Yes, we've started the last week at The Ecology Rooms, and missing it already!...
Backing vocals start today, then some few things here, there & everywhere and off we go (London, I mean)! I think mixing will be over by the 4th of November, then we'll proceed to do the mastering at Metropolis. Hey, just used the thunder stick bought on a Canterbury's hippy store on "Balada do Bloqueio"...

Day 12

Day 11

Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 10

Tomorrow the singing starts in valley's green! So posting may be delayed for some days, eh eh. Lead vox & backing vocals are missing, before the Tsangarides Delfins experience starts to mess around ( yes, I've brought the slide theremin...).
The saints are coming, more than one week left, it has been a brilliant time already we won't forget. We may expect some VIV's (very important visitors), yet. Heard that the Lisbon Ready-Steady-Go! scene is really happening! Great! WATM!

Day 9

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day 8

Hello gals and cocks!

This are the first eight days diaries, and the recordings have been going really well. Just missing are the keyboards and vox plus backing vocals! And already have the Fender Rhodes and the Leslie speaker! Best recording ever, so relaxed and so fast!
This is our very first rock album, yes... or should I say, Powerpop?!!!
Today is day off, next days new movies online! Jonathan is visiting tomorrow.
Keep on burning!

Day 7

Day 6

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2 - Unrated

Here, motherf*****!!!
Big Brother in Kingsdown Campus! No, not really...
The best is yet to come!

PS- XRated version by PM only!...

Something for the Weekend... & day 1!

Hey Ladies and Lads...
Internet facilities haven't been the best this week, so...
First five days have been super, and you can video check it just now!
From 16th, hopefully, it will be added in a daily basis.
@now we feel like moving from brit club to stadium rock, and personally, I can't wait for airing my 26 foot balloon that can fly up to 50 m!!!
Rui & Jorge, les chefs, have been superb and we're all getting fatter! Wrong plan! Chris can easily hypnotise us with his rock'n'roll life stories - dinning boiled water with George Harrisson or making soulfull tea for the wonderfull Smokey Robinson... - and the studio vibe has never been so vibish. Can you believe it? Yes, I can.
Heard of a London flat party 4th November. And some hot curry, days before. The Delphins are back in town!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Ecology Rooms from the Sky